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Line lighting projects

Would you like to know more about our working method? Then read our page about the project realisation.


Gymworld is the newest sports facility in Zoetermeer. The training and competition location accommodates more than 4,000 athletes in the field of gymnastics, dancing and freerunning. For this beautiful building Veko supplied both the lighting including emergency lighting for the gymnasiums as well as the lighting in the Car Park.


Sports halls
In the gymnasiums,  we used our versatile Magnus Sports version with a diffuse lens. This lens ensures that athletes are not dazzled during sports and the high quality of light helps to improve their performance. Safety is of paramount importance in this type of application, therefore the sports version that is impact resistant and ballproof certified has been chosen. To get the most out of the lighting, it is equipped with a light management system. This allows the lighting to be centrally controlled and the energy costs are clearly displayed.


Parking garage
In the parking deck, the impact-resistant variant of the Magnus was utilised  in combination with our X-wide lens. This lens ensures that the light not only reaches the lane, but also that the parking bay spaces are well lit. This in combination with a good lighting plan ensures a safe driving environment for the driver and a safe feeling for the visitor.


What is important to the client is that the building is a sustainable building. This means that the building is energy-neutral. The most important thing about the lighting is that it is adaptable to the sport that is being played within the hall at that moment.

Walter Stielstra, Project Manager, Remmers Bouwgroep


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