+31 224 273 273


Renofit: the answer to light line renovation

Do you have fluorescent (TL) lighting from Veko in your industrial hall, distribution - or data centre? Then now is the time to renovate the light lines with our latest LED luminaire: the Renofit. This luminaire is designed for an easy transition from TL to LED. This luminaire can be connected in profiles installed from 1995 onwards.


The Renofit is easy to install, is energy-efficient, can be installed in no time and does not disturb your production. Also, after installation of the Renofit, the warranty period is extended by 5 years.

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Advantages of light line renovation

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1-to-1 renovation

Linear refurbishment goes smoothly with this luminaire. The existing profile remains and only the Veko TL luminaires are replaced by Veko LED. Even if the lighting system was placed in 1995.

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Fast delivery

We deliver the Renofit within 5 working days and it is assembled by Veko within 2 weeks.

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Efficient assembly

We can work between your company's production. As a result, your work never comes to a standstill. In addition, the renovation is done in a blink of an eye thanks to our 1-to-1 system.

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Save energy and money

You can save over 50% on energy costs by renovating fluorescent lighting with LED luminaires. This not only reduces operating costs, but is also environmentally friendly.

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With the new luminaire, the lighting immediately complies with the NEN-EN 12464 standard. ENEC and CE certification are retained.

Measuring is key

Curious about what is possible for you with the Renofit? Our advisors will gladly go through the renovation options with you. Contact us or request a quote.


Do you have profiles installed before 1995? Then we offer other renovation options. Our account managers will be happy to help you.


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