+31 224 273 273

Raaks Parking garage in Haarlem, The Netherlands, is a spacious, accessible and pleasant place. You feel safe there. As a visitor, you may not always realize this, but the pleasant LED lighting of Veko plays an important role in this.

Some years ago, the lighting in the parking garage in the centre of Haarlem, which accommodates about 1,000 vehicles, was outdated. Half of the light had malfunction, and consequently there was not enough light. More than 3 kilometres of Veko LED line lighting put an end to this: the entire site was equipped with no less than 611 wide-beam luminaires with diffuse shielding. As a result of this, there is plenty of light in the parking garage now. De project was finished within the agreed installation time, all expected lux values were achieved, the car park has a nice appearance now, and the customer is satisfied.


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